Thursday, October 24, will launch a White House petition urging President Trump to use his considerable influence to push the Parental Rights Amendment in Congress.
This is how the White House petition site works: Once our petition goes live, we will have only 30 days to gain 100,000 signatures. If we reach that mark by the deadline, the Administration is committed to at least respond to our request.
There’s no guarantee the President will do what we ask. But even if he declines, he will still be drawing attention to parental rights when he does.
Of course, it could be bigger than that. He could be in favor of our request. And if he is, it will highlight our cause even more.
Is this going to force Congress to lay aside the last decade of growing dysfunctionality and take up parental rights? Probably not. But it will help us awaken the American people, and that in turn will lead to the change we—and our children—need to see.
So, please help us get the word out now, and especially once the petition goes live.
If you are a leader of an organization or group that supports parental rights, please prepare to share this petition with them as soon as it goes live. If we can help you with content or additional information, please contact, and she will be happy to help.
And let’s all plan to make a splash by sharing this on social media and other means throughout the 30-day window: October 24 to November 22.