Totus Tuus, is Latin for “Totally Yours”. St. Pope John Paul the Great used this as his motto, and it symbolized his great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and we choose to go to Jesus through Mary as well. We entrust our group to Our Lady as our Mother, just as Jesus asked of us from the cross. We want to give our lives and hearts completely and without reservation to Christ so Totus Tuus is the perfect motto for our homeschool group!
We are a group committed to following God’s call for our families, especially in homeschooling our children. We are faithful Catholics striving to live our Faith, teach it to our children, and grow alongside one another. We are raising Soldiers for Christ! We reside in the lovely state of Georgia near Augusta.
Totus Tuus exists to help our members connect with each other. We plan homeschooling activities, social gatherings and service projects to enrich our homeschooling. We also strive to support one another through prayer and friendship. The goal of Totus Tuus is to build up one another in love as we gather to grow in, learn, serve and live our Catholic faith.
We vary in our choice of curriculums and the ages of our children, but we are united by our common desire to raise our children with a strong faith and a deep love of God and His Church.
If you are a Catholic homeschooling family, or you’re considering Catholic homeschooling, please join us! You don’t have to do this alone! We’d love to share the homeschooling adventure with you.
Parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children… For it devolves on parents to create a family atmosphere so animated with love and reverence for God and others that a well-rounded personal and social development will be fostered among the children. Hence, the family is the first school of those social virtues which every society needs.
~FAMILIARIS CONSORTIO – Saint Pope John Paul the Great