During March’s First Friday, we are going to have our 4th annual outside Stations of the Cross. I have everything we need and will bring it all to the meeting. Please ask your children (who can read, please), to sign up to to be leaders. We will need one Leader for the whole thing, 14 Station Leaders, and 1 Song Leader. They will each have a script to follow. (**This is on FB – In the comments below, I have put photos of all of the positions/scripts. Please sign your child(ren) up in the comments. For example: Name of child, Station #2 Leader. That way, we can see which ones still need to be covered. Use the pictures in the comments for your child(ren) to practice beforehand.) Even if you haven’t been to First Friday in a while, or you have never been, please come join us! In the past years, it has been so beautiful to share in this activity with the children as we remember and reflect on Our Lord’s passion during Lent. We will begin following our usual breakfast in the PLC. I still haven’t really figured out how to get notifications of responses on the website, so if you see a response of someone signing up their child here that I miss, please copy it over to the comments in FB. Thank you! If you sign up your child(ren), please email me for the photo of the Station script or Leader script so your child(ren) can practice beforehand. (newvoss@hotmail.com) Thanks! Also, pray for great weather!